You are a person that is eager to learn. You always want to cultivate your knowledge. Or you want to improve your grades in the class. There is an app that will help you to perform those things. That is Brainly. The app’s full name is Brainly – Home Learning & Homework Help. Brainly is the app of the education genre. In the app, you can study many different subjects. Besides, you can search any homework question, ask experts and smart students about your specific problem and get answers in minutes. There are many things that you can perform in the app. Let’s find out about Brainly now.
Save your process
Brainly is one of the apps that has been built and offered by Brainly, Inc. They are a Polish education technology company based in Krakow, Poland, with headquarters in New York City. And they provide a peer-to-peer learning platform for students, parents, and teachers to ask and answer homework questions. Brainly is available on both Google Play and App Store. So you can install the app on mobile devices that run on Android and iOS Operating Systems. And Brainly is completely free to download. To use the app, you need to connect to the Internet. Besides, the UI interface is very friendly. And the users can easily use the app without encountering any problem.
In addition, the users will have to create an account to be able to take part in the Brainly community. You will need an email to sign up for the Brainly account. Then enter username and password to complete your account. Creating the account will help you to save your process. At the same time, this also allows you to use the app on many devices such as smartphones, and tablets. You won’t no longer have to worry about losing your achievements when using another device. You just need to log in your account to continue studying. Moreover, the app has provided a lot of pictures so that you can set it as your avatar. There are up to 30 different pictures in Brainly which you can select. But if you don’t like those pictures, you can use the pictures on your mobile phone or take a new photograph to make the avatar. In particular, Brainly also allows the users to create the account by a Facebook account, if they have no email. This will be very convenient for the users.
Study and cultivate
Brainly is the education app that will support the user’s study. Therefore, the subjects are an indispensable part of your study. And there are up to 17 subjects in Brainly. Math, History, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Social Studies, Advanced Placement (AP), Geography, Health, Arts, Business, Computers and Technology, French, German, Spanish, and World Languages. They will provide a great reservoir of knowledge for you. Besides, there are 4 special subjects that you can ask everyone in Brainly. Engineering, SAT, Medicine, and Law. These subjects aren’t usually taught in secondary and high schools. So you can meet many difficulties when learning about them. But when you participate in Brainly, you won’t have to worry about that. Because the Brainly community consists of the students, schoolteachers, PhDs, and other geniuses. Thanks to this, your questions will receive the right answers more quickly when you find out by yourself.
With the education apps, the users will study everything related to a certain subject in available order. But Brainly is different. In the app, you will offer your questions. After that the others will answer them. This will help you develop your ability to self – study and grow from questioning to understanding. In addition, one question can receive many answers and specific explanations. You will understand how to solve them more clearly and find the most correct answer.
Special points in Brainly
To make sure that the users will receive the correct answers, Brainly always verifies info before sending them to you. A dedicated team of subject experts and moderators will verify the answers daily. This is the first special point in the app – assure the most correct answers. Besides, there are two different special points in Brainly. And the second special point is to scan the problems. To help the users to post their problems, the publisher has supplied 2 ways to scan the problems. Scan math and Scan a question. With scan math, the game uses MathSolver to scan the math problems easily. You won’t need to care about special symbols, because Brainly can scan them. When you use this way, you will get a step by step explanation. But if you select Scan a question, you just get the answer without the explanation. Moreover, the users also can ask by picture, voice, or text. Therefore, posting the question will become easy for you.
In addition, if you have a child, you can pair your account with your child’s. This allows you to update their learning quickly. Furthermore, you can follow other users’ accounts. This will help you to update the problems faster. At the same time, the answers to the questions also bring new knowledge for you. This is the third special point – Learn together.
Make new friends and develop skills together
With Brainly, you not only look for the answer but also can solve other users’ problems. Answering the questions also helps you learn and retest your knowledge. Help the community by sharing what you know. Besides, you can invite your friends to take part in Brainly. Exchange and learn together. This will help you to connect with your friends more. Moreover, the app also allows you to make new friends. You can send messages and find out about them. Thanks to this, you can find good tutors for yourself. Because of the above reasons, Brainly has attracted over 350 million users in the world, from children to adults. Let’s install Brainly, post your problems, find step – by – step explanations on complex topics, or prepare for your test and essay. Better understanding and higher grades.
Additional Information
- Version 5.233.0
- Requires Android 8.0+
- Update July 14, 2024
- Developed by Brainly
- Google Play ID co.brainly
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