dict.cc dictionary APK 12.0

dict.cc dictionary APK 12.0

Paul Hemetsberger

Words translations can be quite difficult to understand without the context, so it’s always nice to have this brilliant app of dict.cc dictionary around.


For those of you who are interested in translating multiple language packs instead of just one at the same time, you’ll either have to pick up many translation apps or working with dict.cc dictionary, as the amazing mobile app from Paul Hemetsberger provides you with plenty of useful features and proper translations on the go.

Simply enter the app and select as many languages as you wish to have them featured in your translation menu. Choose the preferred languages and pairs, then proceed to translate any words that you type in. Here, the intuitive and comprehensive translations will make sure that you can always shave the most fun with your in-app experiences.

Find out more about this awesome mobile app of dict.cc dictionary and all of its amazing features with our comprehensive reviews.

What does it do?

Here in dict.cc dictionary, Android users will have themselves one of the most useful and capable mobile translation apps on their devices. Simply enter the app and start working with many of its features to find the right language packs and start translating words as you go. With dozens of different options, you won’t find yourself having to switch between apps to get the correct translations of any words. Plus, the multilingual translation tool will also make it easier for you to learn new words in certain languages.

Have no troubles using this simple and intuitive mobile app or dictionary on any of your mobile devices. Make the most of the 51 different languages options and the many available packages. Enjoy the comprehensive dictionary with proper translations and pronunciations. Have yourself the offline dictionary, which you can easily enter and make use of at any time. The list goes on.


For those of you who are interested, you can now get the free version of dict.cc dictionary from the Google Play Store, which should be available for all Android users to enjoy on the go. Simply enter the app and start making use of its many features without paying. Just keep in mind that the freemium app will come with forced ads that might bother you. And if you want to make better uses of the application, there will be in-app purchases for the premium version.

Here, most of the in-app features will require certain access permissions from your Android devices in order to function properly. So, make sure to always consider the prompting requests upon your first time entering the app. And like other Android applications, it’s highly recommended that you have your mobile devices updated to the latest firmware versions, preferably Android 6.0 and up, as it would enable a much more stable and compatible version of dict.cc dictionary on your devices.

Awesome features

Here are all the exciting features that the app has to offer:

Simple and easy to use

To start with, dict.cc dictionary users will have no troubles working with this simple and easy to use app on any of their mobile devices. Simply enter the application and start making use of its intuitive UI and accessible features. Choose your certain language combinations or individual dictionary. Input your words using text or speech inputting methods. Then begin to translate them accordingly.

Enjoy the comprehensive dictionary for 51 language combinations

With dict.cc dictionary, Android users will have 51 different language combinations, which allow them to have much better translations. Feel free to work with the two main languages of German and English, which can be used individually or combined with each other and other languages. Use the different packages to improve your experiences with the languages and help you improve your vocabulary a lot easier.

Here, the app lets you use German and English together with Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and more. Thus, making it a great platform to learn multiple languages from English and German. Or alternatively, you can use the different language packs to learn either of the two main languages.

Comprehensive translations with everything you need

Here, like Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and Dictionary.com, the app will provide mobile users will comprehensive translations of every searched word. Enjoy the full clarifications of the words with intuitive examples and contexts so you can fully understand their meanings and uses. Plus, the many precise pronunciations will make it possible for mobile users to enjoy practicing their speaking skills in any selected languages.

Have access to your offline dictionary

To make the app more accessible, Paul Hemetsberger also provides mobile users with a completely offline dictionary, which they can easily access without having to connect to the Internet. All it takes is for you to pre-download and install the data to your mobile devices. And you can proceed to translate every word in any language whenever and wherever you want. Thus, making dict.cc dictionary a lot more useful and convenient, especially when you’re outside. Enable the auto updates so the app can automatically download new data and upgrade their libraries whenever possible.

Make good uses of the Dark Mode

With the useful Dark Mode available, dict.cc dictionary users can now have much better experiences working with the mobile app. Have no troubles using the classic Light theme for better visibility during the day. Or use the Dark Mode to protect your eyes during the nights. And feel free to enable the Auto theme feature to let the app automatically change your experiences with the dictionary.

Sign in to save and sync your data

To improve your experiences with the app, dict.cc dictionary users can now choose to sign in to the app to enable their online saves and syncs. These will make sure that all your in-app data is always protected. And you can now synchronize your progress between devices with little troubles.

Improve the app with your own suggestions

For those of you who are interested, it’s also possible for you to contribute your own translations and corrections to the app. Feel free to submit your inquiries so every translation can be checked by several users like you, before being updated. Continue to make changes to the app to improve user experiences daily.

Unlock additional features with the premium app

For those of you who are interested, you can now unlock the many additional features in dict.cc dictionary, using the premium app. Here you can get yourself a vocabulary trainer, which also help with memorizing words and learning to use them effectively. Enjoy playing quiz games to have fun learning while also making great progress. Keep tracks of your personal vocabulary lists and recent searches to easily revert back to the certain words. And enjoy unlimited features with your premium purchases.

Enjoy our free mod instead

But on the other hand, if you’re interested in the free app but don’t want to pay for in-app purchases, then our modified version of dict.cc dictionary will make a better option. Here, we offer a Paid for free and fully unlocked application that you can easily get. All it takes is for you to download the dict.cc dictionary Mod APK, follow the given instructions, and you’re good to go.

Final verdicts

For those of you who are interested, you can now have the best Android mobile app for multilingual translations. Feel free to make use of dict.cc dictionary to translate your different languages in the same platform and make use of the different language packs to help you learn new languages easily.

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