Hex Editor Pro MOD APK 3.1.27 (Paid for free)

Hex Editor Pro MOD APK 3.1.27 (Paid for free)

GoAndroid Paid for free

For most Android users, you would probably don’t know what is a Hex, let along knowing how to edit it. However, in the right hand, a Hex editor is capable of many interesting things, especially when it comes to editing the files and altering its features.

That being said, if you happen to know a little about coding and programming, then you would certainly find this interesting app from GoAndroid useful. Feel free to edit all the Hex files on your system with little efforts using Hex Editor Pro.

Find out more about this amazing app with our reviews of Hex Editor.

What does it do?

To start with, you’ll find the effects of Hex Editor Pro being quite transparent as it allows you to make certain changes to your hex files. With this, it’s possible to add customizations and adjustments to your certain apps and files on your Android system. The opened files will be displayed “raw” as a sequence of bytes. And using the built-in editor, you can start changing and adjusting those bytes.

Hence, you’re capable of doing many things with it. From adjusting the digits in your games to give your characters certain advantages, to completely change the entire setups of your apps. Nonetheless, you’ll surely have a lot of fun playing with the app.


Since the app will also allow you to make changes to the hidden files, even those that come from your operating system, it’s required that you provide the app with your root permissions. And therefore, the app must be used on a rooted device with full access rights to the system.

On the other hand, you won’t require to have your Internet connection enabled once you have had the app installed. It’ll only important whenever you need to make upgrades or install new updates for the app.

As for the hardware, since the app will only perform the editing tasks, you don’t need to have an extra powerful device to do the job. However, if you’re dealing with large and complex files, it should take quite a while to open them on your low-end phones. Still, it’s not like you’ll find yourself stumbling on them every day.

And of course, you should know that the editing tool isn’t made for average users. In fact, it’s only designed for engineers who have certain knowledge on the Android systems and have been used to working with Hex files. Otherwise, you’ll risk damaging your system without knowing how to fix it.

Awesome features

Here you’ll find all the exciting features that the game has to offer:

Quickly navigate to your wanted files

To start with, Android users will find it quite convenient when looking for your targeted files with the available file browser in the app. That being said, you can easily locate and navigate to your wanted files. Use your manual browsing or use directory browsing to quickly get to your files.

Simple Search options both in and out of the files

And for those of you who don’t know what you’re looking for, it’s always possible to use the Search function to look for your files. This also works when you’re editing your files and wish to look for the specific codes.

Quick and effective editing

Speaking of which, the game also introduces Android users to a full and functional editor with plenty of useful options for you to make uses of. Feel free to make changes to the files using your touch keyboard. And every time you make a mistake, just use the Jump Back button to undo it. Plus, the intuitive interfaces and touch controls will make things much less complex. Editing your Hex files has never been so easy and convenient.

Save changes to all the edited hex files

And as you finish your editing, just tap on the Save button to properly store up your files on the system and change it forever. Even if you forget to do so, the app will also ask you to save your progresses once you prepare to close the editor, which is quite thoughtful. And therefore, you’ll never find another app that offers the same level of satisfaction.

Free to use

Despite all those amazing features, the app is still completely free for you to download and enjoy. Just look for it on the Google Play Store and you can have Hex Editor Pro installed on your mobile devices without having to pay anything.

Enjoy ad-free experiences with our Pro version

And for those of you who’re finding the in-app advertisements being quite annoying, you might want to go for the Pro version of it. However, since it’s a paid app, you’ll need to pay for it if you want to have it unlocked. Or alternatively, you might want to go for your own modified Pro version of the app, which is completely free to download. And what do you know, it also features the useful ad-free experiences that you’ve always wanted.


Not for the average users

As you could have guessed, this app is nowhere near those that are made for the average users. First of all, not all users own a rooted device since not many of them know what to do with it. And second, you might find all those complex and confusing codes in your Hex files quite intimidating. Hence, it should be a lot more difficult when it comes to editing the app. Hence, only a small minority of Android users will find this one extremely useful.

Final verdicts

Nonetheless, it’s still a great app for editing your Hex files. And will work great along with other useful apps for power users such as APK Editor and the likes. Plus, since it’s free to use, you might also want to try it on your system as it can do no harm though.

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