Busuu MOD APK 30.7.0(600121) (Premium Unlocked)

Unduh Busuu MOD APK 30.7.0(600121) (Premium Unlocked)

Busuu Premium Unlocked

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Mod Version

Busuu 30.7.0(600121)

Busuu 30.7.0(600121)

2023-06-14 47.9 MB Android 7.0+
Premium Unlocked

# How to install Busuu: Learn & Speak Languages APK

  • 1. Tap Busuu: Learn & Speak Languages v30.7.0(600121) .apk
  • 2. Tap Install.
  • 3. Follow the steps on screen.

# How to install Busuu: Learn & Speak Languages XAPK

  • 1. Install "APKDONE Installer" and open it.
  • 2. Click "Install APKs" button
  • 3. Select: Busuu: Learn & Speak Languages v30.7.0(600121) .xapk.
  • 4. Click "Select" button to start the installation process.

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    Original Version


    Busuu 32.5.0(1246458)

    Busuu 32.5.0(1246458)

    2011-07-29 67.69 MB Android 9+

    Apa yang baru 32.5.0(1246458)

    No time to learn a language? Juggling work, studies, gym, family, friends and other hobbies?
    Take the stress out of learning languages with a personalised and adaptive Study Plan that fits around your life.
    Set your goals and your schedule
    Generate a plan based on your availability
    Work towards an estimated completion date, in small, achievable steps
    Learning a language has never been simpler.


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