PGT+: Pro GFX & Optimizer MOD APK 0.24.6 (Paid for free)

PGT+: Pro GFX & Optimizer MOD APK 0.24.6 (Paid for free)

Trilokia Inc. Paid for free

If you were to answer what is the most popular mobile games that’re currently available on the Google Play Store, then the option would be no other than the famous PUBG Mobile. And while the PC version of the game has somewhat cooled down after the super hype back in 2018, PUBG Mobile is still one of the most famous mobile game for Android users to enjoy on their mobile devices, with hundred thousands of active players each day.

Having said that, the game is still a relatively demanding mobile title that would require a significant amount of power from your hardware. On top of that, the unstable in-game experiences can also make it difficult for gamers to fully enjoy their FPS and Battle Royale with other fellow gamers. Hence, you’ll need to find a way to reduce the graphical demands to enjoy the fullest game on your low-end phones.

And fortunately, PGT+: Pro GFX & Optimizer with its simple and accessible settings will allow you get into the game’s configurations and enjoy awesome FPS experiences.

Find out more about this must-have mobile app for PUBG Mobile gamers through our complete reviews.

What does it do?

While the game does come with its own graphic adjustments for Android gamers to enjoy their smooth and satisfying gameplay, due to the non-optimized graphics, many users would still find their games getting laggy and stuttering in certain situations, despite the fact that their hardware is fully capable of running the game.

As a result, many users are making uses of the third-party apps to make certain changes to their in-game visuals. Here, you can enjoy intuitive and accessible visual settings for your gameplay which enable further configurations that you can have on your system. Thus, allowing you to smoothen the gameplay with constant FPS, and sometimes, drastically reduced graphics to the “potato-like” levels.

Feel free to make uses of the available in PUB Pro Graphics Toolkit as you make simple and accessible changes to the system, or more advanced and significant adjustments, which will make the game a lot more playable, and also, interesting to look at.


With the app being built for low-end devices, users can find it offering quite accessible experiences on your Android phones or tablets. Hence, it’s totally possible for you to install the app on any of your Android devices, just make sure that they’re running on Android 4 or above. And of course, you should also have the main game of PUBG Mobile installed on your devices first to test out the changes as they’re applied.

Awesome features

Here are all the amazing features that the app has to offer:

Quickly select the best setting for your devices

To start with, for any of you who’re looking for a quick experience with your PUBG gameplay, you can have fun all the available preset configurations in PGT+: Pro GFX & Optimizer. Here, gamers are allowed to choose between more than 1000 built-in settings for any of your Android devices. With hundreds of available models, it won’t be difficult to select the right settings for your devices. Thus, allowing you to enjoy smooth and satisfying gameplay with reduced graphics with just a few taps.

Choose the different game variant on your devices

On the other hand, for those of you who’re having their unofficial PUBG Mobile versions installed on your mobile devices, PUB Gfx Tool also offers the variant settings for your certain installations. Here, you can choose the version of variant that you’re using and have the system completely optimized for each of those. Hence, you’ll also have the other features of the app properly supported.

Make certain adjustments in the Basic Settings

For those of you who’re more interested in manual settings, the app also offers dozens of customizable options for new users to try out in their Basic Settings. Here, you’re able to make changes to the Resolution and Graphic quality of your images. Feel free to select the best options judging on your hardware capability so you can enjoy smooth and satisfying experiences with the renewed graphics.

In addition, to improve your in-game experiences, PGT+: Pro GFX & Optimizer does offer the amazing FPS setting which would help smoothen the gameplay, and the unique graphic styles which let you choose between different visual modes. Feel free to have fun with your realistic, dramatic, cinematic, and many other visual styles in PUB Gfx+ Tool.

And for further graphics configurations, you can also make changes to the Shadow effects, and the MSAA settings to customize your in-game experiences to the fullest.

Make use of the advanced settings to enhance your experiences

As you dive into the deeper options in PUB Gfx Tool, Android gamers can even make complete changes to the system and improve their gameplay to the fullest.

Start by using the Memory Boost to prioritize your PUBG Mobile gameplay to ensure that it can have access to the most amount of system resources. Also, ensure your competitive Battle Royale gameplay with the Zero Lag Mode which will allow you to enjoy smooth gameplay with consistent FPS all the time.

To take things to an even more extreme experience, PGT+: Pro GFX & Optimizer even let users to turn their characters into Potato graphics with hilarious interactions. Or have fun with the Hardware-Accelerated Rendering to make full uses of your devices’ processor.

Feel free to save all your in-app settings and apply them whenever you want.

Miscellaneous settings with interesting graphics customizations

For those of you who’re interested, PUB Gfx+ Tool does offer other miscellaneous settings, which you can make uses of and enjoy. Start by changing the color format in your system and unlock unique visual experiences. Change the Rendering Levels with many available options to beautiful or turn your characters into literal potatoes.

Have fun playing with the detail mode to spot whatever unique experiences that the game has to offer. And also have fun with the lighting effects, to enable unique and interesting visual experiences.

Have fun with the experimental settings

And last but not least, if you’re still not satisfied with the exciting in-game visuals from PUB Gfx+ Tool, you can now have fun with many experimental settings that the app has to offer. Feel free to try out any of these unique features to adjust your in-game audio, change the Shader effects, and so on. Make changes to the experimental settings whenever you want to experience unique experiences in a much more satisfying ways.

Look for guides and instructions in the app

For those of you who’re finding the app being somewhat difficult to use, besides those of the basic settings, you can find easy helps from the complete FAQ in PUB Gfx+ Tool. Learn how you can effectively make changes to the in-game settings of PUBG Mobile with the awesome changes that the app has to offer.

On the other hand, you can now switch your language options with dozens of available localizations for your app. Enjoy simple and convenient uses, now that the app is available on your native languages.

With all the settings properly in-place you can easily back them up and restore them any time you want. Thus, you’re free to make any changes to the system without worrying about losing your old settings or gameplay.

Enjoy the app with Dark mode

To make the in-app experiences more satisfying, Android users will also find themselves being able to turn on the Dark Mode, which would change the interfaces into a more approachable look. This makes the app extremely suitable for night uses.

Pick up the app for free on our website

Since PUB Gfx Tool is currently listed on the Google Play Store as a paid version, you’ll need to pay to unlock all of its features. Hence, some of you would probably want to go for our unlocked version of the app, which is also free to use. Just download the PGT+: Pro GFX & Optimizer MOD APK on our website, follow the provided instructions and you’ll be good to go. Feel free to have fun with the fully customized visual experiences with all of the available settings.


The app isn’t supported by PUBG Mobile

For those of you who’re interested, PUB Gfx Tool does offer intuitive and effective settings for making your PUBG Mobile gameplay more satisfying. However, since the app isn’t an official product from PUBG Mobile, you’ll find, most of the time, the new in-game updates will not work on the app, unless you let the devs have some time to release their updates. Hence, you won’t be able to make uses of interesting features.

Final verdicts

With simple and interesting features, PGT+: Pro GFX & Optimizer will allow Android gamers to enjoy their fullest in-game experiences with PUBG Mobile. Feel free to make any changes to your gameplay, and always have fun with the completely free app on our website.

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