Focus To-Do MOD APK 15.6 (Premium Unlocked)

Focus To-Do MOD APK 15.6 (Premium Unlocked)

Pomodoro Timer & To Do List - SuperElement Soft Premium Unlocked

If you are having troubles focusing on your certain tasks, then using this awesome productivity mobile app of Focus To-Do will definitely help.


Many of us find it difficult to stay focused on our certain tasks for a long time. This is because we often use the wrong approach and method. So, if you’re having troubles, you can now enjoy this awesome mobile application of Focus To-Do from SuperElement Soft, as it allows you to stay focused on your certain tasks without any troubles.

Have no troubles using the awesome mobile application to immediately have your periods of absolute focus, along with adequate relaxing time, so you won’t ever find yourself overwhelmed. Feel free to make use of the app and its brilliant features and tools on the go. Enable the app and enjoy staying focused for as long as you wish and whenever you want.

Find out more about the interesting mobile application and all of its amazing features with our most comprehensive reviews.

What does it do?

Here in Focus To-Do, Android users will have themselves the most amazing tools and features for staying focused. Using the most effective method of continuous focusing and rest sessions, you can stay engaged in the certain tasks while still having time to relax your mind. This has been proven to be a lot more effective than your regular studying sessions.

Have no troubles using the awesome mobile application to stay focused all the time. Make use of its features to enjoy your casual Task Management tools. Have access to the simple and convenient data reports. Make use of the app to enable your all-platform synchronizations. Have no troubles building your lovely forest from your focus energy.

Enable the useful App Whitelist feature to consistently enjoy the productivity app without affecting your other important tasks. Make good uses of amazing audio experiences where you can enjoy the app with cool sounds. Feel free to connect to your Wear OS devices to enable better features in the app. The list goes on.


For those of you who are interested in the awesome mobile app of Focus To-Do, you can now get the freemium version of the app from our website. Have no troubles entering the app and start making use of its many features without paying for your downloads. However, since it’s still a freemium app, there will be ads and in-app purchases, which might bother you a little bit.

Also, don’t forget that the mobile application will require certain access permissions on your Android devices in order to function properly. So, make sure to always consider the prompting request upon your first time entering the application. Plus, it’s highly recommended that you have your mobile devices updated to the latest firmware versions, which will greatly improve the in-app stability and its overall compatibility with your current system.

Awesome features

Here are all the exciting features that the app has to offer:

Simple and easy to use

With Focus To-Do, you’ll have the most simple and convenient app to stay focused. All you need is to enter the app and pick a task you wish to focus on. Choose your preferred timer with the default settings of 25 minutes for focused work and 5 minutes for casual breaks. You can freely customize the time following your preferences. Or feel free to use the endless mode if you wish to stay focused for as long as it takes. Just remember to take a break after a while for better working and studying performances. With the most intuitive app UI and accessible features, Focus To-Do will allow Android users to always have the most fun working with their in-app experiences.

Stay focused with the Pomodoro Timer

For those of you who are interested, you can now have the awesome Pomodoro Timer available to easily stay focused and make the most of your time. Here, it’s possible for you to interact with the counting clocks, using the simple pause and resume button. Feel free to adjust your pomodoro and break time. Make uses of notifications to have yourself better informed of the pomodoro periods. You can use short breaks for more extreme focuses or even skip the option if needed.

Follow your simple Tasks Management

With Focus To-Do, Android users will also have the most convenient mobile app for easy tasks management. Here, you can use the Task Organizer to fully set up your entire day with the in-app features, which would help to focus, study, and work more effectively and efficiently.

Enjoy using the Planner to work on adjusting Recurring Tasks and make sure that you’re building good habits every day. Use the Reminders to customize your options and make sure that you never forget important businesses.

Make uses of the Sub-Task option to make difficult tasks easier by breaking them into smaller ones. Create sub entries, actionable items, and checklists so you can have better management over the grand experiences.

Also have the option to work on your certain Task Priority in Focus To-Do, as the app lets you highlight your day with tasks of different levels. Use the intuitive color-coded levels to easily categories and keep track of your businesses.

For those of you who are interested, you can now enjoy working with the Estimated Pomodoro Number, as the app estimates the workload and helps you create sustainable progress following your certain goals.

And last but not least, the convenient Note feature will help you record every detail and keep track of your many experiences.

Keep tracks of important reports

And speaking of which, to make it easier to follow your in-app activities and productivity experiences, Focus To-Do will actively work on collecting data for its reports. Here, you can receive in-depth and detailed statistics regarding your completed activities and allocations of time. Enjoy using the app to have calculations of total time in the app. Follow the intuitive Gantt charts to have quick overviews of your progress. Make use of convenient statistics to stay focused on the To Do lists. Follow your progress with trending charts and focus timer reports. The list goes on.

By also featuring the most intuitive and comprehensive reports in calendar views, Focus To-Do will allow Android users to track and follow their every experience with ease. Feel free to use it to enjoy your  Daily/Weekly/Monthly Reports whenever you want.

Enjoy all-platform synchronizations

And for those of you who are interested, you can now enjoy your all-platform synchronizations in Focus To-Do, as the app helps you view and manage your goals on all available devices, not just your mobile phones. Feel free to have Focus To-Do installed on your iPhone, Mac, Android, Windows, iPad, Apple Watch, Wear OS, and other devices. All of which will ensure your seamless focus experiences.

Build a lovely forest with your focus

To make better uses of the mobile application, Focus To-Do users can now enjoy building their own forest of motivations from their focus. Here, every time you complete a focus session in the app, a little more sunlight and water will be available to your plants. Feel free to grow it to a large tree and eventually have your own forest that shows your amazing abilities to stay focused.

Enable App Whitelist for important ones

Here in Focus To-Do, it’s possible to enable the whitelist feature to keep you from getting distracted by unnecessary apps while still having access to your productivity tools. Feel free to choose certain available apps to feature on your list and enjoy getting better productivity experiences whenever you’re using it.

Amazing audio experiences to enjoy

For those of you who are interested, you can now enjoy amazing audio experiences in Focus To-Do thanks to the available audio features. Have no troubles using the app to choose your sounds for the alarms, together with different vibration settings. Also have access to the incredible white noises in the app, which would allow you to stay focused and work more efficiently without getting distracted by external sounds.

Enjoy using the app with your Wear OS devices

And as mentioned, with the app also working on your Apple Watch and other Wear OS devices, you can have much more convenient uses of Focus To-Do on your smart devices. Here, it’s possible for you to keep track of your experiences using the convenient watch. Thus, allowing you to manage the productivity tools without having to use your mobile devices.

Keep the screen on for better focus

If you want to maintain your constant focus in Focus To-Do, it’s better to use the always-on-display feature to prevent screen lock. Here, you can always check the pomodoro timer with your screen on, instead of having to manually turn on the display. Thus, making it a lot easier for you to stay focused.

Use the full-screen mode for better focus

For those of you who are interested, you can now enjoy using the full-screen mode in Focus To-Do, which will get rid of all distractions on the smartphone displays. Here, all you’ll see is the app UI with the counting timer. Thus, allowing you to maintain your focus without any troubles.

Take on extreme measure with the Strict Mode

And to make even better uses of the app, Focus To-Do users can choose to enable the Strict Mode in the app. This will temporarily prevent your phone from being locked and the system will only show Focus To-Do UI. Plus, all distracting apps will be blocked to make sure that you won’t get side-tracked. And you’re forced to flip your phone down to avoid the alarm ringing. Not to mention that you’re prohibited from exiting the app. Thus, allowing you to have complete focus whenever you need it.

Enjoy the handiest widgets

For those of you who are interested, you’ll now have the handiest widget in Focus To-Do, which will allow you to easily access your lists and in-app reports directly from the home screen. As a result, you’ll have no troubles enjoying the app and its features from your main display.

Sign in to unlock more features

And while it’s not compulsory, you’re recommended to sign in to the app to unlock better features. Start by having the online saves and syncs available for your in-app data, so you can enable seamless experiences on all connected devices and protect your saves. Plus, you can now create your in-app profiles and connect with other Focus To-Do users for better productivity exchanges. Enjoy competing with each other in the focus rankings. Or make your new friends and invite each other into groups for better interactions.

Enjoy the free and unlocked app on our website

For those of you who are interested, you can now enjoy the free and fully unlocked application of Focus To-Do, using our mod instead of paying full price or watching ads. Here, we offer the modded application with Premium features unlocked and ads removed that you can get for free. All it takes is for you to download the Focus To-Do Mod APK, follow the given instructions, and you’re ready to go.

Final verdicts

With useful features and powerful tools, Focus To-Do will allow Android users to have the best application for better productivity and focus.

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