Rules of Survival MOD APK 1.610637.617289 (Aim Lock & More)

Tải về Rules of Survival MOD APK 1.610637.617289 (Aim Lock & More)

NetEase Games Aim Lock & More

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Rules of Survival 1.610637.617289

Rules of Survival 1.610637.617289

2024-02-02 Android 4.1+
Rules of Survival 1.610637.617289

Rules of Survival 1.610637.617289

2024-02-02 Android 4.1+
Rules of Survival 1.610637.617289

Rules of Survival 1.610637.617289

2024-02-02 Android 4.1+
Aim Lock & More

# Cách cài đặt RULES OF SURVIVAL APK trên Android

  • 1. Tải xuống và nhấn vào RULES OF SURVIVAL v1.610637.617289 .apk
  • 2. Nhấn vào Install.
  • 3. Làm theo các bước trên màn hình.

# Cách cài đặt RULES OF SURVIVAL XAPK trên Android

  • 1. Tải xuống và cài đặt "APKDONE Installer".
  • 2. Mở ứng dụng APKdone Installer & nhấn vào "Install APKs."
  • 3. Chọn các tệp bạn muốn cài đặt: RULES OF SURVIVAL v1.610637.617289 .xapk, .obb, .zip, .apkm, .apks.
  • 4. Nhấn vào OK và làm theo các bước trên màn hình.

Submit a problem

    Original Version


    Rules of Survival 1.610637.617289

    Rules of Survival 1.610637.617289

    2017-11-15 3.96 GB Android 4.1+

    Tính Năng Mới 1.610637.617289

    Bug Fixes:
    1. Fixed the issue where the refresh time became longer after the EXO ID Card was used.
    2. Fixed the bug for Novice Mission.
    3. Fixed the issue where players' EXO outfit was mismatched if they had different genders in ROS 1.0 and ROS 2.0.
    4. Fixed the issue where the Cargo Station smoke displayed a wrong color.
    5. Fixed the issue where players had a double HP recovery when using Nutrients.
    6. Fixed the issue where players in Ghillie Suit were not able to transform after killing an AI.

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    Rules of Survival MOD APK 1.610637.617289 (Aim Lock & More)

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